Friday, September 19, 2008

Emerging From the Darkness

I've spent the last 3 years or so of my life sorting through false doctrines (doctrines of demons-1 Tim.4:1) and crying out to the Lord Who sustains me for wisdom and discernment to cut through the myriad layers of deception that enshroud us in this evil age. It has been anguish to my spirit to see the enemy of our souls so succeed within the Christian church today. "For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." We have entered into an age of apostasy. Lighthouse Trails, Roger Oakland, Gary Gilley, Ray Yungen, Sonlife Radio with Frances and Friends have all been used mightily by the Lord in supplementing my searching of Scripture for Truth. It has been extremely humbling to see how unscriptural my own foundation had been, being led by false shepherds in a charismatic stream and admitting that I trusted them more than I searched the scriptures to see if what they were saying was true. (Acts 17:11)

What is even more disturbing is to see the segue of this apostate movement (largely known as The Emerging Church) into the political realm of this nation and into the world. My heart sinks with the weight of history reminding me that civilizations last at best for 200 years. I see political candidates holding the lowest regard for integrity and advancing dark agendas through deceit and shaking hands with their enemies (Believers for Barack) knowing all the while that their intentions are not honorable. I contemplate the recent institution of sharia law in Great Britain and I shudder that noone in my country, which is also experiencing sharia law in judgements from benches of supposed justice, is talking about it. I hear of bunkers being built nationwide and angry city dwellers being recruited to attack the very freedoms that allow them to be angry. The enemy is insidious and wily and he is gaining ground in the USA.

Meanwhile the church sleeps. Distracted by the agendas of wouldbe world dominators aka pastors (Rick Warren and the Purpose Driven Church proponents), the church is being led like sheep to the slaughter. Many are being added in physical principal, perhaps, but the numbers in the roll book of heaven are not increasing in kind. Why? Because church has become a place where sin, repentance and the cross of Jesus Christ are dirty words which ought not to be spoken lest they discomfort some. To keep their pockets lined and agendas secure these peddlars of half-truths have eliminated the true gospel and substituted doctrines of demons which feed people's fleshly appetites for self-promotion as well as feeding the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life. (1 John 2:16) The Word of Faith movement is indicted in this accusation.

All over this nation, a remnant is wandering looking for likeminded adherants to the Cross and finding little succor. We know that God's justice cannot sleep forever as Thomas Jefferson trembled to recall, and we also know that God is longsuffering and merciful. Years ago I was impressed deeply by the verse in Isaiah 51 which reads: "Listen to Me, My people, and give ear to Me, O My nation; For law will proceed from Me, and I will make my justice rest as a light of the peoples."

May what is coming in this land ultimately serve to bring many into Truth and into the Kingdom of God eternally!